Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy website The 43rd Rally Il Ciocco e Valle del Serchio has been postponed again: a new date is being defined in agreement with the Federation
maggio 15, 2020 - aci sport

The 43rd Rally Il Ciocco e Valle del Serchio has been postponed again: a new date is being defined in agreement with the Federation

The itinerary is set to change as well.

Il Ciocco (Lu). In agreement with the Sports Direction of Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI), a new postponement to a date still to be defined, as been decided for the 43rd #rally Il Ciocco e Valle del Serchio (that was scheduled for June 19-20th), following the Decree-Laws connected to the Covid-19 emergency and waiting for clearer regulations regarding road-racing events.

The definition of a new date for the much-awaited event organized by Organization Sport Events will be decided following also the restructuring of the calendar of the most important national series, including CIR 2020.

The program and liason will be modified and the new versions will be announced shortly together with the new date.

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