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gennaio 04, 2022 - TM Racing

Motorex is the new official lubricant partner of TM Racing

TM Racing and #motorex are pleased to announce that, on 1 January 2022, an important #partnership has been signed: the two companies will work closely together for years to come.

 The long #corporate history of #motorex, which has been producing high-quality lubricants and engine products for a century, has involved #tmracing, which shares the same values. For the famous Pesaro-based motorbike manufacturer, it is fundamental to offer maximum performance and attention to every detail in order to produce motorbikes with unique characteristics and high performance.

 "The decision to start a #partnership with the Swiss company #motorex was made with a view to improving our competitive performance, but not only that. It is a #partnership based on the reliability of the Swiss company and the pursuit of the highest quality in every aspect of motorbike care".Roberto Aloi - International Sales Manager

"We are very proud of this multi-year agreement with #motorex. Our aim has always been to give the best in the creation and manufacture of our motorbikes, from a design and mechanical point of view and in the care of every aspect.

Being supported by #motorex, a historic company in terms of the quality and efficiency of their products, continues a path aimed at transforming our daily efforts and intentions into reality with ambitious goals easier to achieve". Gastone Serafini - Owner Tm Racing


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