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maggio 29, 2024 - Jaguar Racing

Jaguar TCS Racing score strongly in second Shanghai showdown, extending their lead in the ABB FIA Formula E Teams’ World Championship

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Following a double-podium in Round 11 – Mitch winning with Nick third – Jaguar TCS Racing score a total of 62 points over the race weekend and leave with a 73-point lead in the Teams’ World Championship.  

Nick Cassidy leads the Drivers’ World Championship by 25 points, with Mitch Evans moving up to third place.  

With the rumour of rain in the air, the scheduled 28 laps of the 3.051km Shanghai International Circuit had the potential to present unexpected wet-weather drama, but the rain held off and with the sun beating down the race was fast-paced from early on.  

Nick and Mitch began in P5 and P6 on the grid respectively. The Kiwi pair and the team proceeded to deliver a controlled race strategy, with both drivers successfully managing their energy and taking their two Attack Mode activations by the seventh lap. Neither driver was outside the top eight of the pack throughout the race. On lap 14, with Nick in fifth and Mitch sixth, the team made the call for both to move forward as they were in a strong position on energy.  

Nick moved into fourth position on lap 16, Mitch then moving into fifth on lap 20. With the race locked-out from an energy perspective by lap 21, Nick and Mitch remained in their respective positions until the chequered-flag to score valuable points. 

With four races still to go this season, Jaguar TCS Racing have a total of 299-points, already more than they scored in all of Season 9, which was their most successful to date.  

At the end of what has been an incredible race weekend in Shanghai we leave with the win and double-podium yesterday and today securing really important Championship points. It was a nail-biting race from the start. We expected rain but it didn’t come, so it was a fast-paced race from early on. The team and the drivers managed the race well, we made the progress and challenged for the podium but in the end we are very happy to leave with vital Championship points. We are happy with our weekend here in Shanghai and the team have worked hard and really effectively all the way through. It’s hard with such strong competition but we have delivered one of our best ever points scoring weekends at a critical time. We now turn our focus to Portland and Round 13 and 14 and the last two weekends of the season.


It’s been a huge points haul for the team this weekend in Shanghai. Getting the win and double podium yesterday, and then a fourth and fifth place today added great points and helps us a lot in the Teams’ and Drivers’ Championships. We have a small break now before we attack the last four races.

The team are doing an amazing job this year and I’m super lucky to be in this position. It’s been a solid day and a really good weekend. There are still four races left, 100-odd points still available, it will be tough but we’ll be giving it our all.

Rounds 13 and 14 of the 2024 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship take place in Portland on 29 and 30 June. 

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